Sunday, November 7, 2010

Exorcism is something to believe?

“Exorcism” refers to the expulsion of demons from an individual’s body. I believe the movie Exorcist was not as good as i thought it would be. when i first heard about the exorcist, i thought it was going to be the scariest movie there is. Even though it was intence watching an Exorcism, the ending of the movie was thrown away. At the end of the movie when i looked back at it, i thought it was a bad ending for a movie which everyone thought was scary. I found the movie rather more funny than scary. All the part after the deamon was possessed in the girl was more funny than scary. only the sound track made it parts scay. all the other parts, for example, the girl swearing and throwing up was rather funny. i didnt find the movie all to be negative; watching an Exorcism for the first time really made me think if it could really happen to somebody. I was born and raised in a Catholic community, which gave me a little understanding of Exorcism. when i was  a little kid, in sunday school the preast thought us that a devil will be inside you if you do bad things and the only way to get rid of the devil is by praying to god for forgiveness. i was thought that a devil is the one leading you to do bad things. In this movie they made the devil more of a joke rather than the scary "Devil" that i was thaought when i was little. As a believer in christ, i do rather believe that Exorcist is something that could happen to somebody.

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