Monday, November 8, 2010

Setting of the Shining

This story takes place in a hotel in Colorado. Jack Torrance is interviewing for the position of winter caretaker at the Overlook hotel in Colorado. Jack Torrance, his wife Wendy, and their son Danny are moving to the Overlook hotel near Sidewinder, Colorado for the winter, where Jack will become the hotel's new winter caretaker. The son Danny has a hard time getting used to the new place because he has no friends that live near him. Danny has an imaginary friend that he made up with his finger. Every time he misses his friends or his hometown he talks to his finger. Wendy reflects on the changes in their lives since they moved from Stonington, Vermont. While they had lived in a small, pleasant brick home in Vermont; their current living conditions are dirty and on occasion violent as the neighbors fight each evening. She wonders of the effects of this on Danny, and feels grief over the situation. The kids that live near them are all teenagers, which leave Danny alone all by himself. The reason why they had to move to Colorado was because Danny’s father, Jack, was an alcoholic and he lost his job as a teacher because he hit one of his students as a reaction from his anger. There is also another incident that happened because of Jacks anger problems. One day jack went into his study, drunk, and finding Danny standing over a nearly destroyed office, grinning. Danny has strewn Jack's papers, including his manuscript, all over the floor, poured beer on many of the pages, and has pulled out every drawer. In a rage, Jack bends Danny's hand and as Danny screams, Jack spins him around to spank him, and hears a loud crunch as Danny's arm broke.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Exorcism is something to believe?

“Exorcism” refers to the expulsion of demons from an individual’s body. I believe the movie Exorcist was not as good as i thought it would be. when i first heard about the exorcist, i thought it was going to be the scariest movie there is. Even though it was intence watching an Exorcism, the ending of the movie was thrown away. At the end of the movie when i looked back at it, i thought it was a bad ending for a movie which everyone thought was scary. I found the movie rather more funny than scary. All the part after the deamon was possessed in the girl was more funny than scary. only the sound track made it parts scay. all the other parts, for example, the girl swearing and throwing up was rather funny. i didnt find the movie all to be negative; watching an Exorcism for the first time really made me think if it could really happen to somebody. I was born and raised in a Catholic community, which gave me a little understanding of Exorcism. when i was  a little kid, in sunday school the preast thought us that a devil will be inside you if you do bad things and the only way to get rid of the devil is by praying to god for forgiveness. i was thought that a devil is the one leading you to do bad things. In this movie they made the devil more of a joke rather than the scary "Devil" that i was thaought when i was little. As a believer in christ, i do rather believe that Exorcist is something that could happen to somebody.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Horror to the limit

My first experience of watching a horror movie, was the time when I was four years old. I was sitting along with my three sisters, flipping through the 20 channels we had in our old tv. It was during the month of October when alot of scary movie are shown every night before Halloween. On that certain day, we came across the movie the Leperchaun. My three sisters dared each other of who could watch the movie the longest. I wanted to prove to my sisters that despite my age, I was boy, and boys aren't scared of anything. While watching the movie, I was terrified. I didn't want to tell my sisters I was scared even though at times they would look at my direction and see me closing my eyes when the "Lepercaun" came to kill the victims. After the movie was over, I sat in silence and walked over to the kitchen for a bed night snack. I headed straight for my room and shut the door as fast as I could. Quickly I changed, and sat on my bed thinking if the "Lepercaun" was even real. When your four years old, you tend to believe anything. Our family closed all of the lights and I tried closing my eyes. Suddenly, I heard a noise across the hall. Then a slow knocking at my door. "Someone is trying to get me!," I thought and I went under the covers. With all of my strength, I walked up to the door and screamed "I'm not scared of you!" at the top of my lungs. My palms were sweaty when I gripped onto my bedroom door, and turned the knob slowly ready to punch the "Lepercaun" if he was ready to get me. My sister stood there, with a simpathetic look on her face came over to me and said "I was worried that you were scared, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." "It's just my sister this whole time that I was listening to?" I felt kind of silly for making such a big deal on who the "lepercaun" actually was. From that day on, watching scary movies hasn't been a problem for me. After my experience of opening the bedroom door and discovering that the scary noises was only my sister. It made me believe that the little things that might seem scary, aren't really scary at all after you find out what they really are. Horror movies are just actors playing a scene, its all made up just for the audiences entertainment. I started to get into watching Horror movies, after I found how intresting they could be.